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To aid direct searches for applicable criticism, all of the currently available criticism is listed below with the associated poet, poem, criticism type, and tags, as applicable. Criticism can also be filtered by these criteria using the sidebar on the right.

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Displaying 1501 - 1530 of 2624
Title Poet Poem Criticism Type Tags
Mark Doty: "Here in Hell" Mark Doty Other Writing by Poets
Mark Doty: "Souls on Ice" Mark Doty Other Writing by Poets
Mark Wunderlich: Interview with Mark Doty Mark Doty Interview
Katie Bolick: Interview with Mark Doty Mark Doty Interview
Michael Glover: Interview with Mark Doty Mark Doty Interview
Mark Doty: Excerpts from "Heaven's Coast: A Memoir" Mark Doty Other Writing by Poets
Jonathan Vincent: On "Bully" Martín Espada Bully Poem Criticism
Michael Simeone: On "Bully" Martín Espada Bully Poem Criticism
John Marsh: On "The Skull Beneath the Skin of the Mango" Martín Espada The Skull Beneath the Skin of the Mango Poem Criticism
Steven Ratiner: Interview with Martín Espada Martín Espada Interview
Sarah Browning: Interview with Martín Espada Martín Espada Interview
Mark K. Anderson: An Interview with Martín Espada Martín Espada Interview
Chase Dimock: On "A True Account of Talking to the Sun on Fire Island" Frank O'Hara A True Account of Talking to the Sun at Fire Island Poem Criticism
Neal Bowers: On "A Step Away from Them" Frank O'Hara A Step Away From Them Poem Criticism
Brad Gooch: On "A Step Away from Them" Frank O'Hara A Step Away From Them Poem Criticism
Marjorie Perloff: On "A Step Away from Them" Frank O'Hara A Step Away From Them Poem Criticism
Marjorie Perloff: On "A Step Away from Them" (1998) Frank O'Hara A Step Away From Them Poem Criticism
John Lowney: On "A Step Away from Them" Frank O'Hara A Step Away From Them Poem Criticism
Hazel Smith: On "A Step Away from Them" Frank O'Hara A Step Away From Them Poem Criticism
Hazel Smith: On "Why I Am Not A Painter" Frank O'Hara Why I Am Not a Painter Poem Criticism
Robert von Hallberg: On "The Day Lady Died" Frank O'Hara The Day Lady Died Poem Criticism
Brad Gooch: On "On Seeing Larry Rivers' Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art" Frank O'Hara On Seeing Larry River's Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art Poem Criticism
Marjorie Perloff: On "On Seeing Larry Rivers' Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art" Frank O'Hara On Seeing Larry River's Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art Poem Criticism
David Lehman: On "On Seeing Larry Rivers' Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art" Frank O'Hara On Seeing Larry River's Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art Poem Criticism
Hazel Smith: On "On Seeing Larry Rivers' Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art" Frank O'Hara On Seeing Larry River's Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art Poem Criticism
Susan Schweik: On "(To be a Jew in the Twentieth Century)" Muriel Rukeyser (To be a Jew in the Twentieth century) Poem Criticism
Michael H. Levenson: On "The Waste Land" T. S. Eliot The Waste Land Poem Criticism
Taffy Martin: On "Spenser's Ireland" Marianne Moore Spenser's Ireland Poem Criticism
Clive E. Driver: On The Notes to "Spenser's Ireland" Marianne Moore Spenser's Ireland Poem Criticism
Sylvia Plath: Index to Themes and Motifs Sylvia Plath General Poet Criticism