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To aid direct searches for applicable criticism, all of the currently available criticism is listed below with the associated poet, poem, criticism type, and tags, as applicable. Criticism can also be filtered by these criteria using the sidebar on the right.

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Displaying 361 - 390 of 2624
Title Poet Poem Criticism Type Tags
Robert Lowell: On "Dream Song 29" John Berryman Dream Song 29 Poem Criticism remorse; wonder; nightmare; hazardous; imperfect; mannerism; disintegration; relentless; indulgence
Lynn Keller: On "At the Fishhouses" Elizabeth Bishop At the Fishhouses Poem Criticism fish; fishouses; Moore; grandfather; history; sea; passage of time; symbolism
James E. B. Breslin: On "Skunk Hour" Poem Criticism personal; Hell; orange; heiress; otherness; mythology; skunks
Denis Donoghue on "Huffy Henry" John Berryman The Dream Songs Poem Criticism three; objective; generic; representative; apocalyptic; mankind; consistent; distinct
John Berryman John Berryman The Dream Songs Poem Criticism beat slang; Negro; sequence; Dreams; minstrelsy
Helen Vendler: On "Dream Song 5" John Berryman Dream Song 5 Poem Criticism Henry-dialect; Henry; emotions; personality; psychiatric terms
Gary Smith: On "We Real Cool" Gwendolyn Brooks We Real Cool Poem Criticism pathos; existential freedom; personae; golden; youthful arrogance; self-definition; Education; alliterative; jazz; June; rape; seduce; sexual climax; Elizabethan
Steven Gould Axelrod: On "Skunk Hour" Robert Lowell Skunk Hour Poem Criticism Catholic; protestant; Boston; emotion; rebellion; social structure
Fred M. Fetrow On "A Letter from Phyllis Wheatley Robert Hayden Poem Criticism psychogram; American black poet; England; Orbour Tanner; Irony; ocean crossing; westward crossing; slave; British Chimney Sweep
Barbara B. Sims: On "We Real Cool" Gwendolyn Brooks We Real Cool Poem Criticism diction; Rhythm; pride; pathetic; falsehood; Tone
Pontheolla T. Williams: On "A Letter from Phyllis Wheatley" Robert Hayden A Letter from Phillis Wheatley Poem Criticism colonial; slavery; docile; horrrors; middle passage; segregated; Eden; Cannibal Mockingbird; humor; Religion; faith
Jon Woodson: On "Middle Passages" Robert Hayden Middle Passage Poem Criticism The Waste Land; modernist; Stephen Vincent Benet; Christianity; Epic
D. H. Melhem: On "Gay Chaps at the Bar" Gwendolyn Brooks Gay Chaps at the Bar Poem Criticism Harlem Awakening; Sonnet; soldiers; World War II; imagery
Pantheolla T. Williams: On Middle Passage Robert Hayden Middle Passage Poem Criticism origin; relates; Afro-American; hero; alien; slavery; timeless; free; immortal; tribes; Tone; dignified; mystical; lyrical; Narrative; telescoped; greed; gold; fragmentation; Allusion; justice; social-change; iconography; reckless; faith; optimism; black; poet; heritage
John Hatcher on: Aunt Jemima of the Ocean Waves Robert Hayden Aunt Jemima of the Ocean Waves Poem Criticism mythological; resilence; symbol; Afro-American; idenitity; survival; strength; fake; culture
Kenny Jackson Williams: On Brooks' Life and Career Gwendolyn Brooks Biographical Chicagoan; South Side; racial dynamics; American Childhood Magazine; Chicago Defender; Pulitzer Prize; Fisk University Second Black Writers' Conference; the black aesthetic; Black Arts movement; urban; objective voice; Harlem Renaissance; Chicago School; poet laureate
On: Robert Hayden's Early Work and Cultural Context General Poet Criticism Drama; resistance; literary models; the diver; to the dead of the international brigade
Criticism of A Letter From Phyllis Wheatly Poem Criticism psychogram; epistolary; dramatic; slave; dark skin; murmur; hissing; idyllic
James D. Sullivan on "We Real Cool" Gwendolyn Brooks We Real Cool Poem Criticism selected poems; Harper & Row; Broadside Press; Slang; Rythm; Power; We; First person; Cool; Racial; Empowering; Anonymous
Harry B. Shaw: On "Gay Chaps at the Bar" Gwendolyn Brooks Gay Chaps at the Bar Poem Criticism America; Struggle; individualism; racism; WWII; soldiers; Sarcasm; Uncertainty; poverty; youth; ignorance; Religion; music; doubt
Brooks on "Gay Chaps at the Bar Gwendolyn Brooks Other Writing by Poets Sonnet; off-rhyme; solider; Letters; World War II
Gwendolyn Brooks: On "We Real Cool" Gwendolyn Brooks We Real Cool Poem Criticism We
George Stavros: An Interview on "We Real Cool" Gwendolyn Brooks We Real Cool Poem Criticism colloquial rhythm; form; feeling; pretensions; Identity
Brad Gooch: On "A True Account of Talking to the Sun at Fire Island" Frank O'Hara A True Account of Talking to the Sun at Fire Island Poem Criticism Koch; anthology; Mayakovsky; conversation; Death; prophetic
Kathryne V. Lindberg: On "of De Witt Williams on his way to Lincoln Cemetery" Gwendolyn Brooks of De Witt Williams on his way to Lincoln Cemetery Poem Criticism ill-spent; literariness; Parody; whitman
George Stavros: On "Gay Chaps at the Bar" Gwendolyn Brooks Gay Chaps at the Bar Poem Criticism Interview; Gwendolyn Brooks; George Stavros; Sonnet; soldier sonnets; off-rhyme; extensions; letter; form
John Lowney on "A Step Away from Them" Frank O'Hara A Step Away From Them Poem Criticism personal poem; 1950s; contemporary; Time Square; urban scene; Lunch Poems; mortality; Federico Fellini; the Film Industry; Pollock; movies; Manhattan Storage Warehouse; BULLFIGHT; The Day Lady Died; culture
Gladys Margaret Williams: On "Gay Chaps at the Bar" Gwendolyn Brooks Gay Chaps at the Bar Poem Criticism negros; American Armed Forces; World War II; Navy; The Army Air Force; Tuskegee; Sonnet; Caucasian; prejudices; Alabama State Police Force; police; demoralizing; experience
David Lehman: On "Why I Am Not a Painter" Frank O'Hara Why I Am Not a Painter Poem Criticism Natural; Surprises; Relationship; Abstract Expressionism; Anecdote; Degas; Mallarme; Parable; Mike Goldberg; Baudelaire; Rimbaud; Ezra Pound; Ashbery; Irony
Brad Gooch: On "The Day Lady Died" Frank O'Hara The Day Lady Died Poem Criticism Billie Holiday; Mike Goldberg; Joan Mitchell; Norman Bluhm; Five Spot; jazz bar; LeSueur; Kenneth Koch; East Hampton; 1957