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To aid direct searches for poems, all of the currently available poems are listed below with the associated poet, poetic form, and initial publication year. Poems can also be filtered by these criteria using the sidebar on the right.

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Displaying 271 - 300 of 694
Poem Title Poet Poetic Form Publication Year
Parsley Rita Dove Free verse 1983
The Sheep Child James Dickey Free verse 1967
Falling James Dickey Free verse 1981
Son of Msippi Henry Dumas Free verse 1967
Knees of a Natural Man Henry Dumas Couplet 1967
Black Star Line Henry Dumas Free verse 1967
I Sit and Sew Alice Dunbar-Nelson Other 1920
We Wear the Mask Paul Laurence Dunbar Other 1895
When Malindy Sings Paul Laurence Dunbar Other 1895
Sympathy Paul Laurence Dunbar Other 1899
The Haunted Oak Paul Laurence Dunbar Quatrain 1903
#258 (320) ("There's a certain Slant of light,") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1862
#712 (479) ("Because I could not stop for Death-") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1862
#754 (764) ("My Life had stood-a Loaded Gun-") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1863
#303 (409) ("The Soul selects her own Society-") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1862
#280 (340) ("I felt a Funeral, in my Brain") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1862
#341 (372) ("After great pain, a formal feeling comes-") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1862
#508 (353) ("I'm ceded-I've stopped being Theirs-") Emily Dickinson Other 1862
#520 (656) ("I started Early-Took my Dog-") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1863
#601 (517) ("A still-Volcano-Life-") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1863
#613 (445) ("They shut me up in Prose-") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1862
#657 (466) ("I dwell in Possibility-") Emily Dickinson Quatrain 1862
#1072 (194) ("Title divine-is mine!") Emily Dickinson Free verse 1861
#1129 (1263) ("Tell all the Truth but tell it slant-") Emily Dickinson Other 1872
#1705 (1691) ("Volcanoes be in Sicily") Emily Dickinson Other
Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow Robert Duncan Free verse 1968
The Torso (Passages 18) Robert Duncan Free verse 1968
Up Rising (Passages 25) Robert Duncan Free verse 1968
My Mother Would Be a Falconress Robert Duncan Free verse 1968
Return of the Wolves Anita Endrezze Free verse 1988