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About Stag's Leap

When Carol Ann Duffy, the poet laureate of the United Kingdom, announced that you had won the Eliot Prize, she called it the crowning moment of your career. What did you think of that?

We’re metaphor makers as poets, but no, I didn’t feel anything on my head. For many of us, whatever walk of life we’re in, it’s hard sometimes to take in praise, so I tried to not to close the doors but to open them up and take it as energy and pleasure.


Sharon Olds and Stags Leap

Did you write Stag's Leap in the white heat of the moment or are these emotions recollected in tranquility?

I have always written when the feeling is high. I'd find it hard to recollect extreme emotion in tranquility.


Were any poems too personal to include?

The only thing that made me leave out poems was the feeling they weren't good enough. I wrote hundreds – most didn't work.


Did you show your ex-husband the collection before publication?

About A Village Life

Dana Levin: I wanted to start by asking about your new book, A Village Life, which is coming out this Fall. Time feels spatial in the book, as if all the book's varied voices are speaking, events are happening, in a simultaneous temporal moment.

Robert Pinsky Interview

EWR: How was your experience guest starring on The Simpsons?


Robert Pinsky: The show is very well written, and performed by superb vocal actors. The literary, cultural and political allusions tend to have engaging backspin. So supplying the voice for my character—a poet with my name and some of my attributes, but a jerk—was a large challenge.


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