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But "Reincarnation (II)" is extremely abstract and does not seem to have engaged the poet’s imaginative energies as deeply as "Reincarnation (I)" of Buckdancer’s Choice. It is balanced by the long "Falling," an astonishing poetic feat that dramatizes the accidental fall of an airline stewardess from a plane, to her death in a cornfield. "The greatest thing that ever came to Kansas" undergoes a number of swift metamorphoses—owl, hawk, goddess—stripping herself naked as she falls. She imagines the possibility of falling into water, turning her fall into a dive so that she can "come out healthily dripping / And be handed a Coca-Cola" but ultimately she is helpless to save herself, she is a human being, not a bird like the spiritual power of "Reincarnation (II)" and she comes to know how "the body will assume without effort any position / Except the one that will sustain it enable it to rise live / Not die." She dies, "driven well into the image of her body," inexplicable and unquestionable, and her clothes begin to come down all over Kansas: a kind of mortal goddess, given as much immortality by this strange poem as poetry is capable of giving its subjects.