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The sources for Holocaust were The Trials of the Major War Criminals at Nuremburg and The Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem. These are the verbatim records of the trials in English and are voluminous works amounting to a total of twenty-six volumes. Much of the material contained within them is concerned with secondary material relating to the trials such as discussions over which documents are admissable, discussions over points of law, comments by judges, etc. Reznikoff is interested only in the primary sources; affidavits given by witnesses, and to a lesser extent material from certain official war documents used in the trials. Of the primary sources Reznikoff extracts only those concerned with the Jewish question. He excludes material about Gypsies, Poles and the ill-treatment of prisoners of war by Germany. Whilst reading Holocaust the reader never becomes aware that the sources are trials (except when the sources are cited at the beginning) for the names of the war criminals are withheld, their sentences are not given, the judges do not appear. It is by these means that Reznikoff achieves most of the compression of Holocaust. Twenty-six volumes are reduced to one hundred and eleven pages in which events concerning the Jewish problem are divided up by subject-matter, for example "Escapes," "Children," "Marches" etc.