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To aid direct searches for applicable criticism, all of the currently available criticism is listed below with the associated poet, poem, criticism type, and tags, as applicable. Criticism can also be filtered by these criteria using the sidebar on the right.

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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Title Poet Poem Criticism Type Tags
David Lehman: On "Why I Am Not a Painter" Frank O'Hara Why I Am Not a Painter Poem Criticism Natural; Surprises; Relationship; Abstract Expressionism; Anecdote; Degas; Mallarme; Parable; Mike Goldberg; Baudelaire; Rimbaud; Ezra Pound; Ashbery; Irony
Marjorie Perloff on Sunset Debris Ron Silliman Sunset Debris Poem Criticism questions; social contract; Relationship; asymmetrical; intersubjectivity; Wittgensteinian; metaphysical subject; solipsism; tractatus; sequence; parallel; tour de force; rhetorical device; uncontextualized