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These Are the Ravens (1935)

San Joaquin (1939)

The Masculine Dead (1942)

The Waldport Poems (1944)

War Elegies (1944)

The Residual Years (1944)

Poems MCMXLII (1945)

The Residual Years (1948)

A Privacy of Speech (1949)

Triptych for the Living (1951)

An Age Insurgent (1959)

The Crooked Lines of God (1959)

The Year's Declension (1961)

The Hazards of Holiness (1962)

The Poet is Dead (1964)

The Blowing of the, Seed (1966)

Single Source (1966)

The Rose of Solitude (1967)

In the Fictive Wish (1967)

A Canticle to the Waterbirds (1968)

The Springing of the Blade (1968)

The Residual Years (1968)

The City Does not Die (1969)

The Last Crusade (1969)

Who is She That Looketh Forth As the Morning (1972)

Tendril in the Mesh (1973)

Black Hills (1973)

Man-Fate (1974)

River-Root/A Syzygy (1976)

The Mate-Flight of Eagles (1977)

Rattlesnake August (1978)

The Veritable Years (1978)


Robinson Jeffers: Fragments of an Older Fury (1968)

Archetype West: The Pacific Coast as a Literary Region (1976)