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Christ: A Dramatic Poem in Three Acts (Boston, 1893); republished in Buddha, Confucius, Christ: Three Prophetic Plays, edited by Harry Lawton and George Knox (New York: Herder & Herder, 1971). 

Conversations with Walt Whitman, as Sadakichi (New York: E.P. Coby, 1895). 

A Tragedy in a New York Flat: A Dramatic Episode in Two Scenes (New York, 1896). 

Buddha (written 1891-1895): A Drama in Twelve Scenes (New York, 1897); republished in Buddha, Confucius, Christ: Three Prophetic Plays (1971). 

Schopenhauer in the Air: Seven Stories (New York, 1899); enlarged as Schopenhauer in the Air: Twelve Stories (Rochester, N.Y.: Stylus Publishing, 1908). 

Shakespeare in Art (Boston: L.C. Page, 1901; London: Jarrold, 1901). 

A History of American Art, 2 volumes (Boston: L.C. Page, 1902; London: Hutchinson, 1903; revised edition, Boston: L.C. Page, 1932).

Japanese Art (Boston: L.C. Page, 1904); republished as The Illustrated Guidebook of Japanese Painting (Albuquerque: American Classical College Press, 1978). 

Drifting Flowers of the Sea and Other Poems to Elizabeth Blanche Walsh (n.p., 1904). 

As Sidney Allan, Composition in Portraiture,   (New York: E.L. Wilson, 1909). 

Landscape and Figure Composition (New York: Baker & Taylor, 1910). 

The Whistler Book: A Monograph of the Life and Position in Art of James McNeill Whistler; Together with a Careful Study of His More Important Works (Boston: L.C. Page, 1910). 

My Rubaiyat (St. Louis: Mangan Printing, 1913; revised edition, San Francisco, 1916: revised again, n.p., 1926). 

Tanka and Haiku, Japanese Rhythms (San Francisco, 1916; revised edition, New York, 1920); revised again as Japanese Rhythms (N.p. 1926). 

The Last Thirty Days of Christ (New York: Privately printed, 1920).  

Confucius: A Drama in Two Acts (written 1894-1916; 1920-1922) (Los Angeles: Privately printed, 1923); republished in Buddha, Confucius, Christ: Three Prophetic Plays (1971). 

Passport to Immortality (Beaumont, Cal., 1927). 

Seven Short Stories (Beaumont, Cal.: Cloister Press, 1930). 

My Crucifixion: Asthma for 40 Years (Tujunga, Cal.: Cloister Press of Hollywood, 1931). 

Moses: A Drama in Six Episodes (n.p., 1934). 

Strands and Ravelings of the Art Fabric (Hollywood, Cal., 1940). 

White Chrysanthemums: Literary Fragments and Pronouncements, edited by Knox and Lawton (New York: Herder & Herder, 1971). 

The Whitman-Hartmann Controversy, Including "Conversations with Walt Whitman" and Other Essays, edited by Knox and Lawton (Bern: Herbert Lang/Frankfurt & Munich: Peter Lang, 1976). 

The Valiant Knights of Daguerre: Selected Critical Essays on Photography and Profiles of Photographic Pioneers, edited by Lawton and Knox, in collaboration with Wistaria Hartmann Linton (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978).

Edited Book

Modern American Sculpture, edited by Hartmann (New York: Wenzel, 1902).

Essays and Poems in Journals

"Nym Crinckle, the Critic," Theatre Magazine, 6 (18 January 1890): 203-204. 

"The Lies of Naturalism," Theatre Magazine, 7 (10 November 1890): 94-95. 

"A Chat with Zola," Saint Paul Pioneer Press, (13 November 1892): 9. 

"The Goncourts," Boston Evening Transcript, (29 April 1893): 183. 

"A Few Words on Criticism," Art Critic, 1 (November 1893): 14-16. 

"Notes on the Fin de Siécle Movement in Parisian Art and Literature," Art Critic, 1 (November 1893): 4-9. 

"A Tuesday Evening at Stéphane Mallarmé's." Art Critic, 1 (November 1893): 9-11. 

"Chapter 207, Section 15, and 16; Statutes of the Massachusetts Law; an Object Lesson," Art Critic, 1 (March 1894): 52-53. 

"Albert Pinkham Ryder," Art News, 1 (March 1897): 1-3. 

"Les Parnassiens," Art News, 1 (March 1897): 4-6. 

"On American Art," Art News, 1 (June 1897): I. 

As Chrysanthemum, "The Players Club," New Yorker Staats Zeitung, (15 October 1899)

As Caliban, "Ein Literarische Gast," New Yorker Staats Zeitung, (4 March 1900)

As Sindey Allan, "The Flat Iron Building--an Aesthetical Dissertation," Camera Work, 1 (October 1903): 36-40. 

"The Japanese Conception of Poetry," Reader Magazine, 3 (January 1904): 185-191. 

"Japanese Fiction," Forum, 45 (June 1911): 725-733. 

"Japanese Drama," Forum, 47 (June 1912): 724-734. 

"In Perfume Land," Forum, 50 (August 1913): 217-228. 

"Tanka, Haikai, Fourteen Japanese Rhythms," Bruno Chap Books, 1 (June 1915): 111-125. 

"Permanent Peace: Is It a Dream?," Bruno Chap Books, 1 (October 1915): 53-65. 

"Why I Publish My Own Books," Greenwich Village, 3 (November 1915): 7-10. 

"The Edgar Saltus I Knew," Bookman, 58 (September 1923): 17-19. 

"From a Hollywood Studio: Chaplin the Conceited--His Luck--And His Genius," Curtain, 4 (November 1925): 146. 

"Eremites of the Brush," American Mercury, 11 (June 1927): 192-196. 

"Salut au Monde: a Friend Remembers Whitman," Southwest Review, 12 (Summer 1927): 262-267. 

"The Autonomy of Pantomime," Curtain, 9 (October 1930): 125. 

"Chaplin's 'City Lights,'" Curtain, 10 (March 1931): 38. 

"The Invisible Drama," Curtain, 11 (January 1932): 3. 

"Albert Pinkham Ryder," Magazine of Art, 31 (September 1938): 500-503, 550-551.