Poems (privately printed, 1909)
The Tempers (Elkin Matthews, 1913)
Al Que Quiere! (Four Seas, 1917)
Kora in Hell. Improvisations (Four Seas, 1920, repr. Kraus Reprint, 1973)
Sour Grapes (Four Seas, 1921)
Go Go (Monroe Wheeler, 1923)
Spring and All (Contact Publishing, 1923; repr. Frontier Press, 1970)
The Cod Head (Harvest Press, 1932)
Collected Poems, 1921-1931 (Objectivist Press, 1934)
An Early Martyr and Other Poems (Alcestis Press, 1935)
Adam & Eve & The City (Alcestis Press, 1936)
The Complete Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, 1906-1938 (New Directions, 1938)
The Broken Span (New Directions, 1941)
The Wedge (Cummington Press, 1944)
Paterson (New Directions, Book I, 1946; Book II, 1948; Book III, 1949; Book IV, 1951; Book V, 1958; Books I-V published in single volume, 1963)
The Clouds (Wells College Press, 1948)
The Collected Later Poems (New Directions, 1950; rev. ed., 1963)
Collected Earlier Poems (New Directions, 1951; rev. ed., 1966)
The Desert Music and Other Poems (Random House, 1954)
Journey to Love (Random House, 1955)
Pictures From Brueghel and Other Poems (New Directions, 1962)
Collected Poems: Volume 1, 1909-1939 (Carcanet, 1988)
Collected Poems: Volume 2, 1939-1962 (Carcanet, 1989)
Early Poems (Dover Publications, 1997)
Selected Prose
The Great American Novel (Three Mountains Press, 1923)
In the American Grain (A. & C. Boni, 1925; repr. New Directions, 1967)
Autobiography (Random House, 1951; repr. as The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams by New Directions, 1967)
Selected Essays (Random House, 1954)
The Selected Letters of William Carlos Williams (McDowell, Obolensky, 1957)
I Wanted to Write a Poem: The Autobiography of the Works of a Poet (Beacon Press, 1958)
Yes, Mrs. Williams: A Personal Record of My Mother (McDowell, Obolensky, 1959)
Imaginations (New Directions, 1970)
The Embodiment of Knowledge (New Directions, 1974)
Interviews With William Carlos Williams: "Speaking Straight Ahead" (New Directions, 1976)
A Recognizable Image: William Carlos Williams on Art and Artists (New Directions, 1978)
Pound/Williams: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams (New Directions, 1996)
The Letters of Denise Levertov and William Carlos Williams (New Directions, 1998)
William Carlos Williams and Charles Tomlinson: A Transatlantic Connection (P. Lang, 1998)
Many Loves and Other Plays: The Collected Plays of William Carlos Williams (New Directions, 1961)
A Voyage to Pagany (Macaulay, 1928; repr. New Directions, 1970)
The Knife of the Times, and Other Stories (Dragon Press, 1932; repr. Folcroft, 1974)
White Mule (New Directions, 1937; repr. 1967)
Life along the Passaic River (New Directions, 1938)
In the Money (New Directions, 1940; repr.1967)
Make Light of It: Collected Stories (Random House, 1950)
The Build-Up (Random House, 1952)
The Farmers' Daughters: Collected Stories (New Directions, 1961)
The Collected Stories of William Carlos Williams (New Directions, 1996)