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Names of horses: The Arrow,

Locomotive, Firecracker, Tornado, Galloper Light,

Trajectory, The Meteor, Fleetness, Velocity.


Slang: snifetr = a little drink,

kiss-pretties = go to hell, jumping =

jumping into bed with someone hence

the expression ‘she’s a jumper,’

what’s the crępe = how are you,

to put on a storm = to stage a wild party,

harra or harra burra = a cry of

enthusiasm, brunch = a combination

of breakfast and lunch, m. o. =

mutual orgasm, 34 ˝ = ˝ of 69,

d.b. = dumb blonde.


I believe that certain

physical changes in the brain

result in a given word—this

word having the distinguished

characteristics of unreality

being born neither as a result

of connotation nor of conscious

endeavor     Starlash

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