Many of his more recent and powerful poems, like "The Menage," "Yaddo," "Lying in Bed on a Summer Morning," "In What Sense I am I," "Ginger," and "Associations with a View from the House," are among the most direct engagements of the problematics of subject/object relations within the Objectivist canon.
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For Rakosi, being fully participant in that mystery of the "outer," also implies a need to regard the subject’s desires and speculations with a sense of modesty. While meditations on the nature of cognition and knowledge in our poetry have often been a province for melancholic seriousness if not outright existential angst, Rakosi--and with remarkable frequency--makes them into occasions for self-effacement and an easy acceptance of the unknown. In poems like "The Menage" or "How to Be with a Rock" (which may well be a take-off on Stevens's solemn and celebrated poem), he shows himself to be our happiest—and sometimes funniest—philosophical poet.