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Jim's Book: A Collection of Poems and Short Stories (privately printed, 1942)

The Black Swan (Icarus, 1946)

First Poems (Knopf, 1951)

Short Stories (Banyan Press, 1954)

The Country of a Thousand Years of Peace (Knopf, 1959; rev. ed., Atheneum, 1970)

Water Street (Atheneum, 1962)

Nights and Days (Atheneum, 1966)

The Fire Screen (Atheneum, 1969)

Braving the Elements (Atheneum, 1972)

Yannina (Phoenix Book Shop, 1973)

The Yellow Pages: 59 Poems (Temple Bar Bookshop, 1974)

Divine Comedies (Atheneum, 1976)

Metamorphosis of 741 (Banyan Press, 1977)

Mirabell: Books of Number (Atheneum, 1978)

Scripts for the Pageant (Atheneum, 1980)

The Changing Light at Sandover (Atheneum, 1980)

From the First Nine: Poems 1946-1976 (Atheneum, 1982)

From the Cutting-Room Floor (U of Nebraska P, 1983)

Late Settings (Atheneum, 1985)

The Inner Room (Knopf, 1988)

Selected Poems, 1946-1985 (Knopf, 1992)

A Scattering of Salts (Knopf, 1995)


The Seraglio (Knopf, 1957; repr. Atheneum, 1987)

The (Diblos) Notebook (Atheneum, 1965; repr.Dalkey Archive Press, 1994)


Recitative: Prose (North Point Press, 1986)

A Different Person: A Memoir (Knopf, 1993, repr. Harper, 1994)


The Immortal Husband, in Playbook (New Directions, 1956)

The Bait, in Artists Theatre (Grove, 1960)

The Image Maker: A Play in One Act (Sea Cliff Press, 1986)