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([The Black Sun Press edition of D. H. Lawrence’s] Sun had been held up at the Customs because of the use of the word "womb" but had been released by our bribing with two gold coins – the low-down bastards) …

… and the next thing I knew we were looking at the most miraculous paintings ever painted by an American not even Bellows excepted – these paintings by Georgie [sic] O’Keefe an Irish woman from Texas – comparatively unknown but Christ what paintings passionately chaste and cool explosions into things cool and white (almost hospital white) and there were great vagina flowers color of orchids and young roses, flowers young and strong and magnificently physical and rich in color and as simple as silence, the body flower unfolding in the soul. A painter singular as opposed to plural singular as the great poets are singular a painter with all the trivialities swept magnificently aside a painter with inner centrality painting from within out with the coolness of cool sheets with the cool flamboyance of flowers. No petty schools no littlenness but cool and white as a mind of diamonds. How Odilon Redon would have bowed before these flowers. But any description I might give would be overshadowed by the simple criticism of Stieglitz "a woman gives herself" (and here is the truth about Georgia O’Keefe.)"